2014年9月-2021年8月 University of Reading, UK
2011年9月-2014年6月 重庆大学
2007年9月-2011年6月 青岛理工大学
2011年9月-2014年6月 重庆大学
2007年9月-2011年6月 青岛理工大学
2023年12月至今 副教授 竞技宝官方网站入口
2020年9月-2023年11月 讲师 竞技宝官方网站入口
2017年12月-2019年3月 助理讲师 University of Reading, UK
2012年12月-2014年3月 住建部 研究员(兼职)
2020年9月-2023年11月 讲师 竞技宝官方网站入口
2017年12月-2019年3月 助理讲师 University of Reading, UK
2012年12月-2014年3月 住建部 研究员(兼职)
全国工程建设项目审批制度改革评估(2023), 住房和城乡建设部办公厅. 主持. 2023.05-2024.3;
工程建设项目审批管理体系改革研究, 住房和城乡建设部办公厅. 主持. 2023.07-2023.12;
城镇老旧小区改造典型项目经验做法研究,住房和城乡建设部城市建设司. 参与. 2023.06-2024.03;
全国工程建设项目审批制度改革评估(2022), 住房和城乡建设部办公厅. 主持. 2022.05-2022.12;
全寿命周期视角下城镇老旧小区提升改造多元主体协同治理度量及形成机理研究, 北京市自然科学基金青年项目. 主持. 2022.01-2024.12;
工程造价专家辅助人(证人)出庭指引,中国建设工程造价管理协会. 主持. 2022.02-2022.12;
城镇老旧小区改造发展工程可复制政策机制和实施模式研究,住房和城乡建设部城市建设司. 参与. 2022.03-2023.02;
工程建设项目审批制度改革规范化研究, 住房和城乡建设部办公厅. 主持. 2021.12-2022.05;
从“失管”到“共治”:北京老旧小区物业管理多元主体协同治理体制机制构建, 北京市教工委“双百行动”. 主持. 2021.10-2022.02;
工程建设项目审批管理体系改革研究, 住房和城乡建设部办公厅. 主持. 2023.07-2023.12;
城镇老旧小区改造典型项目经验做法研究,住房和城乡建设部城市建设司. 参与. 2023.06-2024.03;
全国工程建设项目审批制度改革评估(2022), 住房和城乡建设部办公厅. 主持. 2022.05-2022.12;
全寿命周期视角下城镇老旧小区提升改造多元主体协同治理度量及形成机理研究, 北京市自然科学基金青年项目. 主持. 2022.01-2024.12;
工程造价专家辅助人(证人)出庭指引,中国建设工程造价管理协会. 主持. 2022.02-2022.12;
城镇老旧小区改造发展工程可复制政策机制和实施模式研究,住房和城乡建设部城市建设司. 参与. 2022.03-2023.02;
工程建设项目审批制度改革规范化研究, 住房和城乡建设部办公厅. 主持. 2021.12-2022.05;
从“失管”到“共治”:北京老旧小区物业管理多元主体协同治理体制机制构建, 北京市教工委“双百行动”. 主持. 2021.10-2022.02;
秦贝贝. 2022. 变与不变:意义构建视角下的中国建筑业市场化转型. 中国建筑工业出版社. ISBN 9787112267408
Xingmin Liu, Jun Zhang, Beibei Qin*, Haixia Wang, Tongsheng Zhu, Qing Ye. 2023. Research on the Knowledge Demands of Multiple Subjects for Energy Efficiency Improvement in Chinese Public Buildings. Energy and Buildings. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2023.113611(SCI 2区)
Beibei Qin, Stuart Green. 2022. Sensemaking in a socialist market economy: the lived realities of construction managers. Construction Management and Economics. (EI)
Xingmin Liu, Beibei Qin*, Yong Wu, Ran Zou, Qing Ye, 2021, Study on Rural Residents’ Satisfaction with the Clean Energy Heating Program in Northern China—A Case Study of Shandong Province. Sustainability.13(20),11412; https://doi.org/10.3390/su132011412 (SCI 2区)
Beibei Qin, 2021, Organizational identities of Chinese contractor managers: Implication for safety perception and actions, Proceedings of the 24th ICCREM, Beijing, China. (EI)
Beibei Qin. 2020. Making sense of ‘project management’—Chinese contractors’ perspective. Proceedings of the 25th CRIOCM, Wuhan, China.
Beibei Qin, Stuart Green. 2019. Change and Continuity in the Chinese Construction Sector: Practitioner Responses to Bidding and Tendering, Proceedings of the 35th ARCOM, Leeds, UK.
Beibei Qin, Stuart Green. 2019. Making sense of marketization in the Chinese construction sector: an alternative methodology, Proceedings of the 24th CRIOCM, Chongqing, China.
Yinan Li, Neng Zhu, Beibei Qin*. 2019. Target Setting Outlook for New Residential Building Energy Efficiency Promotion in China: A Frontline Perspective Using Delphi (SCI 3区)
Beibei Qin. 2016. Discourse of Competitiveness in the Chinese Construction Sector, Proceedings of the 32nd ARCOM, Manchester, UK.
Ma X. R., Huang C. L., Fu Y, Gao J. X., Qin B. (2019), Study on Evolution of China’s Construction Industry Based on Input-Output Analysis and Complex Network, Technical Gazette, 26 (1), 208-216. (SCI 4区)
Li, Y. N., Zhu, N, Qin, B., (2019), Major Barriers to the New Residential Building Energy-Efficiency Promotion in China: Frontlines’ Perceptions, Energies, 12, 1073. (SCI 3区)
Li, Y. N., Zhu, N, Qin, B, (2019), What Affects the Progress and Transformation of New Residential Building Energy Efficiency Promotion in China: Stakeholders’ Perceptions, Energies, 12, 1027. (SCI 3区)
秦贝贝. 2022. 变与不变:意义构建视角下的中国建筑业市场化转型. 中国建筑工业出版社. ISBN 9787112267408
Xingmin Liu, Jun Zhang, Beibei Qin*, Haixia Wang, Tongsheng Zhu, Qing Ye. 2023. Research on the Knowledge Demands of Multiple Subjects for Energy Efficiency Improvement in Chinese Public Buildings. Energy and Buildings. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2023.113611(SCI 2区)
Beibei Qin, Stuart Green. 2022. Sensemaking in a socialist market economy: the lived realities of construction managers. Construction Management and Economics. (EI)
Xingmin Liu, Beibei Qin*, Yong Wu, Ran Zou, Qing Ye, 2021, Study on Rural Residents’ Satisfaction with the Clean Energy Heating Program in Northern China—A Case Study of Shandong Province. Sustainability.13(20),11412; https://doi.org/10.3390/su132011412 (SCI 2区)
Beibei Qin, 2021, Organizational identities of Chinese contractor managers: Implication for safety perception and actions, Proceedings of the 24th ICCREM, Beijing, China. (EI)
Beibei Qin. 2020. Making sense of ‘project management’—Chinese contractors’ perspective. Proceedings of the 25th CRIOCM, Wuhan, China.
Beibei Qin, Stuart Green. 2019. Change and Continuity in the Chinese Construction Sector: Practitioner Responses to Bidding and Tendering, Proceedings of the 35th ARCOM, Leeds, UK.
Beibei Qin, Stuart Green. 2019. Making sense of marketization in the Chinese construction sector: an alternative methodology, Proceedings of the 24th CRIOCM, Chongqing, China.
Yinan Li, Neng Zhu, Beibei Qin*. 2019. Target Setting Outlook for New Residential Building Energy Efficiency Promotion in China: A Frontline Perspective Using Delphi (SCI 3区)
Beibei Qin. 2016. Discourse of Competitiveness in the Chinese Construction Sector, Proceedings of the 32nd ARCOM, Manchester, UK.
Ma X. R., Huang C. L., Fu Y, Gao J. X., Qin B. (2019), Study on Evolution of China’s Construction Industry Based on Input-Output Analysis and Complex Network, Technical Gazette, 26 (1), 208-216. (SCI 4区)
Li, Y. N., Zhu, N, Qin, B., (2019), Major Barriers to the New Residential Building Energy-Efficiency Promotion in China: Frontlines’ Perceptions, Energies, 12, 1073. (SCI 3区)
Li, Y. N., Zhu, N, Qin, B, (2019), What Affects the Progress and Transformation of New Residential Building Energy Efficiency Promotion in China: Stakeholders’ Perceptions, Energies, 12, 1027. (SCI 3区)
北京工程管理科学学会 副秘书长
Construction Management and Economics 审稿人
Energy Policy 审稿人
Construction Management and Economics 审稿人
Energy Policy 审稿人
北京市教工委 “双百”行动优秀项目奖(2022)
竞技宝官方网站入口青年教师教学基本功比赛 三等奖(2023)
北京市教工委 “双百”行动优秀项目奖(2022)
竞技宝官方网站入口青年教师教学基本功比赛 三等奖(2023)